Comments on: Return the Stolen Artifact, But Keep the Museum Label Sensitive to Art & its Discontents Tue, 06 Feb 2024 15:55:54 +0000 hourly 1 By: Marcia Tue, 06 Feb 2024 15:55:54 +0000 How long is too long? A fitting plaque in a public space makes sense, even after the object has been replaced, as a lasting gesture lest we erase history.
However, doing the same inside a museum clashes disastrously with reality. Leaving empty display spaces or empty walls with only a note saying that what was here was taken away for good reason denies the same opportunity to an artist whose work ought to be seen.
Was that sculpture you mentioned towards the end of the article somehow tainted by be placed there? Perhaps you felt the artist didn’t deserve representation? The art going public does not benefit from paying an entry fee to see an empty exhibit. In turn, the decline in visitors will cause people to lose their jobs, and possibly the closure of a museum, where a fast food chain, or other commercial venture will surely take its place. Soon enough there won’t be any places left to patrol, and your job here will be done.

Is this really the world you want to live in? Denying artists and everyone else the pleasure of art and culture to in order to make a statement?

I am horrified that you find satisfaction in a neglected cemetery. One would hope that the residents have paid for their sins and may rest in peace.

By: Gail Rothschild Tue, 06 Feb 2024 13:14:46 +0000 Bravo, Erin !
