Tulsa Artist Fellowship, a place-based durational award that was initiated by the George Kaiser Family Foundation, is accepting applications for its 2021–2023 term. Open to professionally established artists and arts workers of any medium or discipline, the submission process is open through Friday, January 15, 2021.

“The Tulsa Artist Fellowship has given me the time and resources to pursue my creative practice, here, near my tribal community.  And the fellowship locates me within an inspirational community that inspires my art-making.” – Joy Harjo

Tulsa Artist Fellowship (TAF) awards include:

  • $40,000 stipend paid over two years
  • Fully subsidized housing for two years in Tulsa’s Arts and/or Greenwood Districts that accommodates families, partners, and pets (estimated resource value of $18,000)
  • Fully subsidized studio space in Tulsa’s Arts and/or Greenwood Districts with access to shared facilities including ceramics studio with kilns, woodshop, media lab, roof terrace, performance rehearsal space, and meeting rooms with video/audio capabilities (estimated resource value of $18,000)
  • $3,000 studio assistant stipend (over two years)
  • $2,400 health and wellness stipend (over two years)
  • Access to free fitness facilities; childcare reimbursements for Fellowship activities
  • Memberships to local cultural institutions 

Applications are reviewed by a national panel of arts professionals, past award recipients, and Fellowship stakeholders. The program seeks a diverse community of artistic practitioners, including artists, curators, writers, publishers, and performers. Awardees will join current Tulsa Artist Fellows and Arts Integration Grantees which is currently at a critical mass of 51 recipients. This concentration of arts practitioners allows the sharing of and accessibility to innovative ideas, and opens up opportunities for education, spurring social awareness and change. To date, 94 artists and arts workers have been awarded a Tulsa Artist Fellowship. 

Tulsa Artist Fellowship awards are merit-based, not project-focused. Fellows are encouraged to engage with the City of Tulsa through a variety of community touchpoints including readings, symposiums, publications, exhibitions, performances, public projects, and art talks. Due to the pandemic, all community engagement events have pivoted to virtual or outdoor platforms, and all studio spaces are closed to the public. Each Tulsa Artist Fellow has a private, individual workspace to allow for social distancing. 

Tulsa Artist Fellowship anticipates offering up to 10 awards that will be announced in June 2021. The 2021–2023 Fellowship term begins in August 2021 and ends July 2023.

For additional details and application information, visit tulsaartistfellowship.org.

Tulsa Artist Fellow Sarah Ahmad in Archer Building Studio (photo credit Melissa Lukenbaugh)
Tulsa Artist Fellow Shane Darwent in Cameron Building Studio (photo credit Melissa Lukenbaugh) 
Tulsa Artist Fellowship’s Archer alley studios (photo credit Lilly Architects)