Tulsa Artist Fellowship, a place-based durational award that was initiated by the George Kaiser Family Foundation, announces its 2021–2023 application. Open to professionally established artists and arts workers of any medium or discipline, the submission process closes Friday, January 15, 2021. Tulsa Artist Fellowship (TAF) awards include a $40,000 stipend, fully subsidized living and studio space within Tulsa’s Arts and Greenwood Districts for two years. 

“The Tulsa Artist Fellowship has supported my work in ways I had not anticipated,” says multidisciplinary artist Kalup Linzy. “Many ideas I’ve had for years. Either I did not have the time or the means to execute them. Over the past few years, I have been able to release new music, develop my previous video and collage work, present live performances, develop a fashion line and map out ways I can better serve our art community as I move into the future.  My experience in the program has been truly inspiring.”

Tulsa Artist Fellowship engages new Tulsans, brings Tulsans home, and honors Tulsans who are here making meaningful artistic contributions. Applications are reviewed by a national panel of arts professionals, past award recipients, and Fellowship stakeholders. The program seeks a diverse community of artistic practitioners, including artists, curators, writers, publishers, and performers. Awardees will join current Tulsa Artist Fellows and Arts Integration Grantees which is currently at a critical mass of 51 recipients. This concentration of arts practitioners allows the sharing of and accessibility to innovative ideas, and opens up opportunities for education, spurring social awareness and change. To date, 94 artists and arts workers have been awarded a Tulsa Artist Fellowship.  

The application portal is open until Friday, January 15, 2021. The award term is August 2021–July 2023. For more information, visit tulsaartistfellowship.org