Chris Conde performing at Tulsa NoiseFest 2019 at Tulsa Artist Fellowship’s Cameron Studios in Tulsa, OK (photo by Melissa Lukenbaugh, courtesy the photographer and Tulsa Artist Fellowship)

Inspired by local access television and its standard airtimes, Tulsa Noise is virtually presenting a series of performances by five experimental artist-musicians who are currently practicing physical distancing in Tulsa, Oklahoma during the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Tulsa Noise is an ongoing noise music project created, curated, and led by Nathan Young, an Arts Integration Awardee supported by Tulsa Artist Fellowship. With the belief that arts are critical to the advancement of cultural citizenship, Tulsa Artist Fellowship supports both local and national artists while enriching the Tulsa community. Tulsa Artist Fellowship is a George Kaiser Family Foundation initiative.

Tulsa NoiseFest, an annual showcase of noise artists held at Tulsa Artist Fellowship’s Cameron Studios, was scheduled to take place in May but was postponed due to the pandemic. Local Access will give viewers a glimpse into the forthcoming Tulsa NoiseFest on a virtual platform and highlight the growing noise music scene happening in Tulsa, OK. 

“Like many in our community this pandemic has had a negative effect on Tulsa Noise events and programming, so we are very grateful to be able to support the artists that make Tulsa Noise possible while also exposing their work to a larger audience in this video performance series Tulsa Noise Presents: Local Access,” says Young.

The performance schedule is below: 

  • I’m Angry About Cities | Monday, May 4
  • Lars Gardner | Tuesday, May 5
  • Gospel | Wednesday, May 6 
  • Black Gambit | Thursday, May 7
  • DJ Kylie | Friday, May 8

Viewers can tune in to the performances every night Monday, May 4 through Friday, May 8 at 7 pm (CST) on Tulsa Noise’s Vimeo.

For additional details, visit