Tulsa Artist Fellow Clemonce Heard reads poetry during a Tulsa Artist Fellowship Writers’ Project at Duet Jazz Club in Tulsa, OK. Photo credit: Julianne Clark

The Tulsa Artist Fellowship program seeks a variety of contemporary arts disciplines, including arts workers such as curators, publishers and artistic collaborations. Awardees will join second-year Tulsa Artist Fellows and Arts Integration Grantees which is currently at a critical mass of 60. The concentration of arts practitioners allows the sharing of and accessibility to innovative ideas, and opens up opportunities for education, spurring social awareness and change.

Awards include a $20,000 stipend, fully subsidized living and studio space within Tulsa’s Arts and Greenwood Districts for one year. Awards are merit-based, not project-focused. Fellows are expected to engage with the Tulsa community through a variety of community touch points including readings, symposiums, publications, exhibitions, performance, public projects and art talks.

Tulsa Artist Fellowship anticipates offering up to 20 awards that will be announced in April 2020. Honoring the unique cultural and historical landscape of Tulsa, awards are reserved for Native American, Alaskan Native, and Native Hawaiian Artists. The 2020-2021 Fellowship term begins in August 2020 and ends July 2021.

For additional Fellowship details, visit tulsaartistfellowship.org and application can be found at tulsaartistfellowship.org/apply.