In the Studio – Shane Darwent and Carolyn Sickles.

Join Tulsa Artist Fellowship Director Carolyn Sickles and Tulsa Artist Fellow Shane Darwent in conversation about Discount Deco, Darwent’s storefront installation within Good to Know’s La Bodega y Más at El Espacio on Ocho. In addition, the talk will discuss the launch of Tulsa Artist Fellowship and its commitment to addressing the most pressing challenges in artistic communities today.

La Bodega y Más is a site-responsive exhibition in the West Little Havana neighborhood that includes 34 national and international participating artists. The exhibition is a commentary on the American strip mall experience and the cultural needs particular to the Cuban exile population. While this exhibition brings awareness to the neighborhood’s tradition and pays tribute to the culture and history of Little Havana, it reflects on current issues affecting Miami, such as gentrification, immigration, and ecology.

Darwent’s research lies in storefronts of American buildings. By using materials such as vinyl siding, cinder blocks and chain like fences, he explores the lost American dream through concepts of nostalgia and abandoned hope. By juxtaposing the Dollar Store façade with a storefront found in Tulsa, OK, this immersive installation reimagines elements of function and design as he highlights the American strip mall experience.

Good to Know Presents La Bodega Y Más
Open December 6–11, 12–7 pm and by appointment.
Opening reception Thursday, December 6, 2018, 6–11 pm.
To RSVP, email

Tulsa Artist Fellowship Brunch and Talk: Carolyn Sickles and Shane Darwent
Friday, December 7, at 12 pm.
Following the conversation, Good to Know curators and selected artists Jack Henry and Paulo Licona will lead a private tour of La Bodega y Más.

For a full list of participating artists and programming events, visit

Other exhibiting Tulsa Artist Fellows include:

Florine Demosthene at Mariane Ibrahim Gallery at Untitled Art
December 5–9, 11–7 pm at booth A4.

Joel Daniel Phillips at Context Art Miami
December 5–9, 11–8 pm with a VIP opening on December 4.

Book Signing: “No Regrets in Life” by Joel Daniel Phillips
December 7, 12–4 pm at Context Art Fair, booth C115.

Established by the George Kaiser Family Foundation in 2015, Tulsa Artist Fellowship cultivates Tulsa’s arts scene by recruiting and retaining visual and literary artists to Tulsa, Oklahoma where they have the creative freedom to pursue their crafts while contributing to a thriving arts community.