The George Kaiser Family Foundation has announced that their national artist fellowship program — the Tulsa Artist Fellowship (TAF) — is now accepting applications for writers and visual artists for 2018.

Awarding up to 30 new fellowships totaling over $1 million in stipends, fellows will receive free housing in the Brady Arts District and free workspace, if applicable.

All fellowships are merit-based grants, not project grants, and fellows will be expected to integrate into the local community by participating in local programs, symposiums and more. A separate selection committee composed of national arts professionals narrows visual arts applicants down to 15 artists asked to join the program. Similarly, a selection committee composed of national literary arts professionals will narrow writing applicants.

Applications for the 2018 TAF are due on March 1, 2017, and fellows will be announced on June 15, 2017. The fellowship will begin Jan. 8, 2018.

To learn more about the Tulsa Artist Fellowship and apply, visit