Sister Corita

Sister Corita (via the event’s facebook page)

LOS ANGELES — This week, there’s a book signing with Allen Ruppersberg, last chance to see John Knuth’s fly paintings, and a talk on the influence of Sister Corita. Oh, and Isabella Rossellini acts like a horny snail.

 Warren Neidich: NSA-USA: Sound As Prophecy

Warren Neidich (via

Warren Neidich (via

When: Thursday, October 9, 8–10pm
Where: Human Resources (410 Cottage Home, Chinatown, Los Angeles)

Conceptual artist Warren Neidich’s four-act improvisational performance NSA-USA tackles recent current events surrounding government whistle-blower Edward Snowden. Alongside the eight performers will be a graphical installation of the scores that takes advantage of Human Resources’ warehouse-like space. “Of special interest is a play by play running account of the action on stage occurring simultaneously with multiple real time Go Pro projections in synch with shifting gazes of the performers as they read the scores.”


Homer’s The Odyssey (via

 An Odyssey of the Odyssey

When: Thursday, October 9, 7:30pm
Where: Hammer Museum (10899 Wilshire Boulevard, Westwood, Los Angeles)

Homer’s The Odyssey is one of the seminal pieces of Western literature, its modern influence spanning from James Joyce to the Coen Brothers. With An Odyssey of the Odyssey, media artist Lars Jan “explores the ripple effect of creative influence that Homer’s The Odyssey has inspired across time, space, and culture.” Jan enlists a diverse group of collaborators including actor Roger Guenveur Smith, ecologist Eric Berlow, and computer scientist Kaustuv DeBiswas.

 John Knuth: Base Alchemy

When: Closes Friday, October 10
Where: Five Car Garage (contact gallery for address, Santa Monica)

Artist John Knuth employs thousands of assistants to make his paintings and doesn’t even pay them. Before you accuse him of exploitation, we should mention that his assistants are flies, who he feeds a solution of paint and sugar water. They then regurgitate on the canvas, creating sublime, minimal color fields. You missed the performance with live, albino snakes last weekend, but the exhibition, which also features Lucio Fontana-like mirrored Mylar works, is open until Friday. The gallery keeps a low profile, so email to make arrangements.

YouTube video

 Isabella Rossellini Presents: Green Porno Live!

When: Saturday, October 11, 6:30–9:30pm
Where: Natural History Museum (900 Exposition Boulevard, Exposition Park, Los Angeles)

Isabella Rossellini has been chronicling the sex lives of animals and bugs on her Sundance web series Green Porno since 2008. Her use of humorous props and costumes gives it a certain bizarre Lynchian quality. Now she’ll be bringing Green Porno to the stage of the Natural History Museum. The 18 and over event seems to be sold out, but call the Museum to get on the wait list at 213-763-3499.

 In Dialogue: We Have No Art

When: Saturday, October 11, 3pm
Where: Pasadena Museum of California Art (490 East Union Street, Pasadena)

Sister Corita was a bad-ass. As a Catholic nun in 1960’s Los Angeles, she was fiercely devoted to social justice. She was also an incredibly influential graphic artist, whose vibrant text-based serigraphs and silkscreens communicated her progressive ideals. Leading up to next summer’s retrospective of her work, the PMCA is hosting a series of events, the first of which is a discussion with designers Juliette Bellocq and Louise Sandhaus that aims to “consider Corita’s influence and legacy within the Los Angeles design community.”

 Sincerely, The Last Exhibition

NASA photo of LA at night

NASA photo of LA at night (via

When: Opens Saturday, October 11, 6-8pm
Where: Ambach & Rice (6148 Wilshire Boulevard, Mid-Wilshire, Los Angeles)

Mid-Wilshire gallery Ambach & Rice will be closing their doors next month, and they’re going out with a bang. Their final exhibition Sincerely, features artists who have shown with the gallery during it’s five-year run, which spanned 47 exhibitions, and a re-location from Seattle to LA. Included will be hyper-realist weirdo Eric Yahnker, geometric knitter Ellen Lesperance, and exuberant ceramicist Jeffry Mitchell, among others. Come out to celebrate and pay your respects when Sincerely, opens this Saturday.

 Conversation with Allen Ruppersberg and Allan McCollum

Allen Ruppersberg Sourcebook: Reanimating the 20th century

Allen Ruppersberg Sourcebook: Reanimating the 20th century (via

When: Sunday, October 12, 4–6pm
Where: Art Catalogues at LACMA (5905 Wilshire Boulevard, Mid-Wilshire, Los Angeles)

To celebrate the publication of Allen Ruppersberg: Sourcebook, LACMA’s Art Catalogues, one of the finest art bookstores in town, will be hosting a conversation between Ruppersberg and fellow artist Allan McCollum. They’ll discuss the book “and share their relationship to Los Angeles, a city that has influenced their individual practices in very different ways.” Don’t miss this chance to see the first generation conceptual artist in person and have him sign a copy of his new book.

Matt Stromberg is a freelance visual arts writer based in Los Angeles. In addition to Hyperallergic, he has contributed to the Los Angeles Times, CARLA, Apollo, ARTNews, and other publications.