Thomas Heatherwick’s highly criticized honeycomb-shaped structure will debut new safety measures following a series of deaths by suicide.
The Vessel
Fourth Suicide at Hudson Yards Vessel May Shutter the Site Permanently
The Hudson Yards developer Related Companies has persistently ignored demands to raise the height of the structure’s guard rails.
A Design Firm Created Sex Toys Poking Fun at New York’s Hudson Yards
“Masturbation is a great metaphor for the latest wave of development in New York City,” the studio, Wolfgang & Hite, remarked in a statement.
Fighting the Art World’s Ableism
Whether it’s through the Vessel or the accessibility of galleries, by not sufficiently supporting the neurodiverse and disabled communities, the art world is inadvertently reinforcing the ableism that pervades American society.
The Financing of Hudson Yards Is Worse Than Its Architecture
A Citylab report claims that Hudson Yards stole funds intended for low-income communities in Harlem by taking advantage of a controversial investor visa program that’s supposed to benefit distressed urban areas.
Can the Shed Save the Soul of Hudson Yards?
The stakes could not be higher for the critically panned, $20 billion development. Will culture sanctify this one percenter’s playground?